Farmington School District- Daily Events- Friday 10-7-22. #EveryStudentEveryDay #Cardstudentsareworthit
Our child nutrition department is currently hiring! Apply at! #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
Mrs. VanZant’s class working with tiles to find the area of a shape today! #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
Today was our opportunity to “Take Your Legislator to School.” Thanks Senator Leding & Representative Whitaker for spending time at all of our campuses to see our awesome teachers & students work! #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
Farmington School District- Daily Events- Friday 9-23-22. #EveryStudentEveryDay #Cardstudentsareworthit
The September Simple Simon's Cardinal of the Month for Folsom Elementary is 3rd grader Lyla Bachofen! #EveryStudentEveryDay #Cardstudentsareworthit
Save the Date for our 3rd grade music program. #cardstudentsareworthit #ESED
We are a Box Top School! This is this September's newsletter. There is a QR code at the bottom to help find and install the app. Also this week is Double Point Week. If you have any questions please email: Mrs. Dowdle at #cardstudentsareworthit #ESED
Miss Arkansas USA, Rylie Wagner was a guest reader at Folsom Elementary on Friday! #RISE #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
September is Attendance Awareness Month. We love seeing our students at school every day! Let’s help students build a habit of good attendance early & often: #SchoolEveryDay #EveryStudentEveryDay
Farmington School District is hiring! Please visit to apply! #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
Our August Simple Simon's Cardinal of the Month at Folsom Elementary is 3rd grader Jaime Gibson! #EveryStudentEveryDay #Cardstudentsareworthit
Our Cloud 9 Nutrition Teacher Spotlight for the month of August at Folsom Elementary is Mackenzie Hinderberger! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication! #EveryStudentEveryDay #Cardstudentsareworthit
Ms. VanZant’s class working on math fluency today at Folsom Elementary! #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
Special thanks to Kinco Constructors for bringing goodies by the administration and both elementary offices today! They are great partners! #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
School buses are back on the road in communities all over Arkansas. Please help our FSD transportation department keep our students safe. Please slow down in school zones, be patient, and remember Flashing Red Means STOP! #ESED #FlashingRedKidsAhead
We are so excited to see our students tomorrow! Parents & students please be patient & allow plenty of time around campuses as first week traffic is always heavy. Please watch out for buses with flashing red lights & students moving! #ESED
Farmington Elementary Schools working the Capturing Kids Hearts program today at NWAESC! @IHeartCKH #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
Important information for parents of Bob Folsom Elementary students.
Thank you Folsom PTA for our yummy lunch!