Our summer challenge and Beanstack are going strong. We have about 21 readers so far and some have already finished the Bingo board, but keep reading to earn those streak badges and to read more than Mrs. Dowdle. She has read 885 minutes so far! If you need your clever card please email jdowdle@farmcards.org she will be able to send them out until the morning of the 22nd and then during the first week of July. Mrs. Dowdle just returned from a great library conference where she learned about some great new books (pictured) and ideas for the upcoming year. Also pictured is her with an Arkansas young adult author, Ayana Gray and the current book she is reading. The neat thing about the book she is reading is it is about the Native Americans that live in the area she grew up and is written by a friend her mother went to school with! Add a picture of you and your current book in the comments. PS: classroom teachers you can also log in using clever to participate in the summer challenge! Happy Reading! #cardstudentsareworthit #esed #bfereads
7 months ago, Bob Folsom Elementary
Mrs. Dowdle and young adult author Ayana Gray
Iroquois Supernatural
Worm and Caterpillar
Fox has a Problem
Farmington Public Schools welcomes Allie Patterson! She will be teaching 2nd grade at Williams Elementary! #Cardstudentsareworthit
7 months ago, Farmington Public Schools
If you haven't seen the news Mrs. Dowdle and her friends want to let you know that Beanstack and our Summer Reading Challenge is LIVE! Last week we had 9 students already log minutes, yay! Use your clever card to log in and look for the heart logo. If you need your clever card email Mrs. Dowdle at jdowdle@farmcards.org Bonus: If you can read more than Mrs. Dowdle you will be invited to a special party when we return in August. #cardstudentsareworthit #ESED #BFEreads
7 months ago, Bob Folsom Elementary
Mrs. Dowdle and Folsey
Mrs. Dowdle and Hunter
Thank you to Centennial Bank and U of A students for sponsoring this wonderful project. Several 3rd graders had the opportunity to write and publish their very own books during CARDS Time. They all worked so hard and were so proud of their work. #cardstudentsareworthit #ESED
7 months ago, Bob Folsom Elementary
Thank you Centennial Bank for sponsoring our books.
These boys were excited to get their books!
mom and student seeing book for first time
Student looking at her newly published book.
Miss Greene's group with their books.
Mrs. Dowdle and student excited about book.
Mrs. Dowdle's group with their books.
Beanstack is LIVE! The Reading Summer Challenge is ready for students that were at Folsom In K-3rd this past school year. Teachers can also participate! Here are two videos on how to log in and start reading. I will also post this on our Facebook page in case these links o not work nicely. Video 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/121gDakj34GKRby7ovjsniW6CTWezikvc/view?usp=share_link Video 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wPO3yv3GEXSaLPrHCZbSYHQmGGsErK4v/view?usp=share_link #cardstudentsareworthit #ESEC
7 months ago, Bob Folsom Elementary
Beanstack Icon
Parents of all K-8 students- If your child has at least one A on their report card, please take advantage of this great offer from the Northwest Arkansas Naturals on June 9th! Who: All K-8 students who achieve at least one A (or equivalent top grade) on their end-of-year report card. What: Each qualifying student will receive two free premium tickets to the Sunday, June 9th game at Arvest Ballpark and will be recognized on the field/videoboard! Bonus: After Sunday games, all kids are invited to run the bases at Arvest Ballpark! To claim their two complimentary tickets, students simply need to bring their report card to the Arvest Ballpark box office, accompanied by at least one parent or guardian, and show their report card.
8 months ago, Farmington Public Schools
report card
The Simple Simon's Cardinal of the Month at Folsom Elementary is Ellie Harshfield! Cardinals of the Month exhibit traits of excellence, integrity, compassion, service, or kindness within their schools! #Cardstudentsareworthit
8 months ago, Farmington Public Schools
Read-a-Thon update: This week we will be finalizing the Read-a-Thon, if your child has not spent their RAT bucks please do so as soon as possible. If you are not planning to spend it please let me know. Once again I want to thank you all very much for your support, the response to this has been overwhelming. I will be posting top readers and fundraisers soon. #cardstudentsareworthit #esed
8 months ago, Bob Folsom Elementary
Thank you
Thank you
We invite everyone in the community to join us in celebrating our amazing Farmington teachers during teacher appreciation week! Share your own messages of appreciation on social media! #Cardstudentsareworthit
8 months ago, Farmington Public Schools
A huge shout out to Blooming Gayle's for being a sponsor of our Read-a-thon! #cardstudentsaresorthit #esed
8 months ago, Bob Folsom Elementary
Thank you Blooming Gayle's
The reading portion of our Read-a-thon has ended, but now for the fun part...spending RAT bucks. If you have not already done so please log into your child's account and spend any RAT bucks they have earned (I would love for this to be done by the end of the weekend so I can completely close it out). I am working on a special post to announce top readers and earners for next week once everything is closed. Just a small hint...we have never read nor raised so much that I am already planning some great things for next year as well as a summer challenge that all current K-3 students will benefit from. Thank you! Mrs. Dowdle #cardstudentsareworthit #esed
8 months ago, Bob Folsom Elementary
students reading
students reading
Sadly this is the last day for our Read-a-thon. Please be sure to record any last minute reading times by 7 pm tonight (Monday the 29th). I will announce total minutes read tomorrow when I have an accurate count, just know that we are over 60,000 minutes already (record #2 this year)! Once I have closed the Read-a-thon students are welcome to spend their earned money in the RAT store. They have a few days to do this. If you find that your child has spent what they want and have extra or in the rare case don't want anything, please let me know and I will use it for library prizes. If you have any questions please reach out to me at jdowdle@farmcards.org or call the school. Thank you all for your amazing support of this event. Final totals coming soon!! #cardstudentsareworthit #esed
8 months ago, Bob Folsom Elementary
student reading
student reading
student reading
student reading
The Simple Simon's Cardinal of the Month at Williams Elementary is Blakely Henandez! Cardinals of the Month exhibit traits of excellence, integrity, compassion, service, or kindness within their schools! #Cardstudentsareworthit
9 months ago, Farmington Public Schools
Again I must say our families are amazing. I had 3 goals for this Read-a-thon. Goal 1: have over 50,000 minutes of reading….we just hit 50,342 as of this evening! Goal 2: Raise more than what we have in the past (over $9000 for the library)…we have surpassed that goal by $2,500!! I can’t even begin to thank you for this. (Hint…we will be getting a fun summer reading program because of this). Goal 3: have at least 300 active accounts…we are currently at 236. It is not too late to activate your child’s account, it is free to do the reading portion. https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/323739373530 Thank you and Happy Reading! Mrs. Dowdle #cardstudentsareworthit #esed
9 months ago, Bob Folsom Elementary
Student reading
Student reading
Student reading
Student reading
This month's Bethel Brew Staff Spotlight at Folsom Elementary is Jeremy Oxford! #Cardstudentsareworthit
9 months ago, Farmington Public Schools
The Simple Simon's Cardinal of the Month at Folsom Elementary is Aubrey Freeman! Cardinals of the Month exhibit traits of excellence, integrity, compassion, service, or kindness within their schools! #Cardstudentsareworthit
9 months ago, Farmington Public Schools
We apologize, the previous link was not operable. Our District is working to revise our Mission and Vision. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey at https://bit.ly/3JxrU2r or please scan the QR code below. Your feedback is essential as we develop a new district strategic plan. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and opinions to help shape the future of education in our community.
9 months ago, Farmington Public Schools
I continue to be blown away by your generosity! Of the three goals I hope to meet we have met 1 already (see yesterday's post). Goal 2: minutes read I would love to see 50,000 minutes we are at 38,000 (we are getting there). Goal 3: to have at least 300 active accounts (even if you just participate in the reading part) we are at 230. Here is the link to activate accounts: https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/323739373530/1 Happy Reading and don't forget to send those pictures! #cardstudentsareworthit #esed
9 months ago, Bob Folsom Elementary
student reading
student reading
Folsom families and friends: I told you I would come back to the records we are breaking... As of today you have raised more for the library than has ever been done before. If you would like to see where we are check out: https://www.read-a-thon.com/school/_61143 (the library gets 75% of the donations, students get to spend 15% of what they raise). I cannot begin to thank you all for your support. We have a 227 of our 400 students registered (see last post to see how to register). Last but not least we have read over 31,000 minutes...this time last year we were already at 49,000 minutes (we have some catching up to do). I would love to see us get at least 300 students registered and over 50,000 minutes read to break all three records this year. If this were to happen Mrs. Dowdle may have to color her hair Cardinal Red!!! Happy Reading and don't forget to log those minutes and send Mrs. Dowdle pictures! #cardstudentsareworthit #esed
9 months ago, Bob Folsom Elementary
Folsom Families and Friends! You are all amazing! As we enter into week 2 of our Read-a-thon we are about to break some records (more on that in a second!). It is not too late to sign up to participate (whether it is to read or help raise money). Click the link to sign up (students earn a prize by just signing up and reading) https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/323739373530/1 Let's make this a record year! Happy Reading!! Mrs. Dowdle #cardstudentsareworthit #esed
9 months ago, Bob Folsom Elementary
reading students
reading student